
Conflict of the play:

The Conflict in the story is that Kikay has come back from New York and has brought all of her new style, accent, attitude and Norm, which makes her old friends find her behavior rather odd.

Kind of play:

New Yorker in Tondo is a famous Filipino one-act play of Marcelino Agana Jr. written in 1956. It is a popular type of comedy which is based on situations that might happen in everyday life. It is a comedy for everyone because it delivers more value and meaning by transcending the belief that one can take out of the Philippines, but the Philippines cannot be taken out in oneself.

Symbols used in the play:

“Francesca”- it symbolizes acculturation. It was the new name of Kikay when she moved to New york and brought it back again in the philippines

The Old Mango Tree- The old tree in the backyard of Kikay's house. The tree was the symbol of the group's friendship and memories. It also symbolizes nationalism.

“You can say goodbye and you can say hello.

But you'll always find your way back home.”


  1. May I use the synopsis in my report for a certain subject? I'll be including yours as one of the sources. Thanks much.

  2. what the exposition in the new yorker in tondo?
